Eventos do mês de Julho do ano 2018 na Agenda 333

Congreso internacional de porcicultura Congreso internacional de porcicultura 11Jul20182018-07-1113Jul20182018-07-13Centro de Convenciones de Lima, Perú, Peruhttps://www.ciporc.com/
XIX Congresso Internacional PorkaméricasXIX Congresso Internacional Porkaméricas17Jul20182018-07-1719Jul20182018-07-19Centro eventos Valle del Pacifico, Cali, Colômbiahttps://asociados.porkcolombia.co/porcicultores/porciamericas/index.php
AMVEC 2018AMVEC 201817Jul20182018-07-1720Jul20182018-07-20Mérida, Yucatán, México, Méxicohttp://www.amvec.com/blog/
ENCONTRO TÉCNICO REGIONAL ABRAVES SÃO PAULOENCONTRO TÉCNICO REGIONAL ABRAVES SÃO PAULO17Jul20182018-07-172018-07-17Auditório do Instituto de Zootecnia - IZ/APTA / Nova Odessa-SP, Brasilhttp://abravessp.com.br/
Livestock Taiwan ExpoLivestock Taiwan Expo26Jul20182018-07-2628Jul20182018-07-28Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Taiwanhttp://www.livestocktaiwan.com/en-us/
2018 CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR APPLIED ETHOLOGY2018 CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR APPLIED ETHOLOGY30Jul20182018-07-303Ago20182018-08-03University of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canadá, Canadáhttp://isae2018.com/
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