
ProcessExpo 2017

3ª feira19Set20172017-09-196ª feira22Set20172017-09-22
McCormick Place, Estados Unidos
ProcessExpo 2017

Produced by FPSA, PROCESS EXPO is the nation’s largest trade show dedicated to bringing the latest technology and integrated solutions to all segments of the food and beverage industry. Processors gain a competitive advantage with the innovative technology on the show floor, where food processing and packaging experts demonstrate their machines and products. Both veterans and those new to food and beverage processing get training on food safety, trends, leadership, and more. Who Comes to the Show Food and beverage processors from small to large companies across the globe attend PROCESS EXPO in Chicago, USA. Attendees cover a range of food production and manufacturing responsibilities including CEO, owner, corporate management, sales and marketing, production, operations, sanitation, maintenance, research and development, quality assurance, engineering, chefs, contract manufacturers, and more. The attendees also represent a cross section of vertical markets in addition to manufacturers outside the food industry that can benefit from the machines, products, and safety issues covered at PROCESS EXPO. The vertical markets include: Bakery, Grains, Seeds, and Snacks Beverage Dairy Meat, Poultry, Seafood Prepared Foods, Fruits, Vegetables Confectionery, Candy, Sweets Pet Foods

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