Androstar® Plus, long-term boar semen extender

Androstar® Plus provides unparalleled protection for sperm when exposed to temperature fluctuations, physical stress, and long-term storage. High stress resistance of the semen leads to more homogeneous insemination results.
Diluidores de sémen

Longer storage times, fewer production days

Androstar® Plus increases the flexibility of semen production while ensuring maximum protection for sperm doses. With its highly effective membrane protectors and advanced antioxidants, it guarantees optimal preservation for at least 7 days and up to 14 days after semen production. This capability allows reducing production days in the lab.

  • Fewer production days per week 
  • Day production instead of night production 
  • More employee-friendly working hours
  • Lower costs in boar studs

Androstar® Plus







Longer storage times, more flexibility in AI

With its highly effective membrane protectors and advanced antioxidants, Androstar Plus® guarantees optimal preservation for at least 7 days and up to 14 days after semen production. Semen doses preserved with Androstar® Plus allow sow farms more flexible logistics and use while ensuring high semen quality and optimal insemination results even if the semen doses are several days old.

Androstar® Plus







Robustness T³:  Temperature, Transport, Time

  • Powerful temperature buffer: External influences on the sensitive sperm cells are effectively buffered over a wide temperature range from +10° to +25°C
  • High physical stress resistance: The functionality of the spermatic cell membranes is protected against the influences of suboptimal transport and storage conditions
  • Long-term preservation: Unique proprietary membrane and viability stabilizing components help sperm to maintain their viability over a longer duration

Tested and proven customer favorite

“For almost 15 years we are now using the Androstar® Plus extender of Minitube in order to optimally protect our high-quality insemination doses from uncertain temperature conditions.”
Heikki Hassinen, Finnpig Oy, Finland

By switching to Androstar® Plus, we gave our customers the option to inseminate even days after the semen tube delivery. They gratefully accepted the logistic benefits - and at the same time achieved greater fertility in their sow herd!
Elisabeth Fischer, Bayern-Genetik GmbH, Germany

Androstar® Plus







Certified quality, security, reliability

The consistently superior quality of Androstar® Plus is possible due to our strict quality control. Each batch of components, and each batch of extender produced, is examined physiochemically for purity, absence of non-intended substances, and for semen preservation properties.  Production steps are certified according to the rigorous GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practice).

  • Only original materials of highest quality and purity enter the production chain
  • Raw material batches undergo strict purity and spermatology tests
  • Mixing and packaging under GMP conditions in dedicated clean room
  • Quality control of each extender batch in certified independent third-party reference labs
  • Made in Germany

Responsible, effective bacteria control

The antibiotics used in Androstar® Plus are proven to be sperm-friendly and allow efficient control of a large spectrum of bacteria, especially those normally found in boar semen centers. The availability of various antibiotic mixtures ensures maximum safety, tailored to your individual requirements and complying with national and international regulations.  The antibiotic content of each Androstar® Plus variant is clearly indicated, ensuring full transparency.
A newly developed organic bactericidal supplement (OBS) allows reducing the concentration of antibiotics by 50% with the same effective control of bacterial contamination.  Reducing the concentration of antibiotics improves sperm quality and reduces the risk of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.