Novistar®, long-term boar semen extender

Novistar® ensures long-term sperm viability with advanced pH buffering, antioxidants, and membrane protectors. Its synthetic, animal protein-free formula offers superior biosecurity and heat stress protection while maintaining high fertility. Produced under GMP-certified conditions, Novistar® delivers top quality at a budget-friendly cost.
Diluidores de sémen

Superior stability and fertility

Novistar® excels with a highly efficient pH buffer system and a powerful combination of antioxidants and membrane protectors. It supports sperm cells with the latest generation of energy precursors through long-term preservation during storage and transport. The Novistar® formula features a balanced structure that maintains the fertilizing capacity of sperm at a superior level from day one compared to traditional extenders. 
Heat stress protection

Antioxidants and membrane protectors are proven to protect semen from heat stress in warm environments. Novistar® ensures sperm integrity and fertility even under challenging conditions.
High biosecurity and safety

Novistar® is a fully synthetic medium and contains no animal protein. This makes it a very safe solution for high biosecurity laboratories. Provided with a highly protective combination of antibiotics, Novistar® successfully fights the most prevalent bacteria. As with all Minitube boar semen extenders, it avoids the use of WHO reserve antibiotics, which must be used exclusively for the treatment of human disease.
Uncompromising quality standards

Novistar® is produced in Minitube’s GMP-certified production facility under highly hygienic conditions. All components and batches are subject to third party quality control in an accredited laboratory.
Novistar® at a glance

  • Designed to protect boar sperm during long-term storage and transport 
  • Highly effective buffering system
  • Excellent bacteriostatic effect
  • Free of animal protein
  • Best semen protection capacity at a reasonable cost
  • Production and quality control according to Minitube’s certified GMP standard

What our customers say

"We switched from BTS to Novistar in January 2024 and have been very pleased with the results. The long-term extender gives us more flexibility in our processes and the semen doses maintain their quality well even after several days of storage. Overall, we're happy with Novistar and feel that it offers a good balance between cost and performance."
Paul Latijnhouwers, Fokkerij Centrum Nederland B.V.

Performance data that speaks for itself

57 ejaculates, 2 test groups (Novistar® and control extender), standard processing: semen dilution at 32°C, filling of semen into tubes at room temperature, cooling at room temperature for 1.5 h, then storage at 17°C.

Novistar performance data